A 北Haledon Based Christian College Prep School Serving Northern NJ

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So much of our children’s lives are spent preparing them for the “real world.” As higher education and 劳动力 await, high school is a crucial period of growth, 成熟, and education as our students get ready for their next steps. At Eastern Christian 高中, we provide a comprehensive college prep program founded in biblical Christian values to give students a comprehensive education that engages the mind and nurtures the spirit.
Eastern Christian 高中 – College Prep, Life Prep
Based in 北Haledon, NJ, Eastern Christian 高中 serves as a Christian college prep school aiming to prepare students for not just the classroom, but for their lives as a whole. Our highly qualified, state certified teachers provide instruction from a biblical perspective, equipping students with a Christian lens through which they can view the world as they head into higher education, 劳动力, and the countless challenges and opportunities that await. 学生 are also encouraged to develop beyond the classroom and participate in our wide range of extracurricular activities, fine arts offerings, and athletics programs.
Eastern Christian 高中 Highlights

  • College prep coursework in 英语, Math, Science and Social Studies
  • 学生 are able to earn up to 22 college credits through the Project Acceleration partnership with Seton Hall University.
  • Foreign language offerings, including Spanish and several online opportunities
  • Elective courses in Business, Art, Bible, Social Studies, 英语, and Science
  • Exceptional music programs, including Concert Band, Orchestra, Choir, and Honors Choir
  • Resource Room, providing for students in need of individual assistance
  • Online Learning Program, including dual credit opportunities
  • 40-minute non-graded learning period (SOAR) 4 days per week for non-traditional learning, 修复, and student leadership opportunities
  • Competitive sports program, with teams participating in the Colonial Division of the NJIC and New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association
  • 剧院 – fall drama and spring musical productions
  • National Honor Society
  • Yearbook and School Newspaper

Learn more about Eastern Christian 高中!
Are you looking for a Christian college prep high school? 学习在这里 how Eastern Christian 高中 is the perfect fit for your family. Call us today at (973) 427-4729 to schedule a visit, or 访问这里 to learn more about applying to enroll at Eastern Christian!
Areas We Serve

帕特森 帕塞伊克河
费尔菲尔德 哈肯萨克市
克利夫顿 蒙特克莱尔
帕塞伊克河 加菲尔德
伍德 新泽西州
Wyckoff Franklin Lakes
米德兰公园 霍桑
Mahwah 艾伦代尔
韦斯特伍德 希尔斯代尔
奥克兰 鞍河
韦恩 研究湖泊
公平的草坪 帕拉默斯
拉姆齐 Waldwick
Hohokus 格伦岩石
Palisades Park 西米尔福德